Ground Breaking Ceremony for the J Patrick Jarboe Medical Center
On April 30, 2010 the 1st Vice President Keith Fairfax and I were invited to the ground breaking ceremony for the new J. Patrick Jarboe Medical Center at 22590 Shady Court in California, Maryland. The new medical center is off of Buck Hewitt Road just down from Lexington Park Rescue Squad’s Station 38. The building will be a beautiful 3 story professional center that will house many different doctors’ offices along with some out patient services.
The building is being built by Wayne Davis who built our station in Lexington Park. It will be named after one of the most loved doctors in the county J. Patrick Jarboe. The medical center is being built for Shah Associates who have several medical centers located in St. Mary’s County one of them being the Bean building in Hollywood another in Charlotte Hall and one in Leonardtown, Maryland. I think that the doctors that are currently working out of the Breton Medical located in the San Sousi shopping center are going to be moving into this facility when it is completed sometime later this year. If you have every seen a building that Wayne Davis builds you know that he gets the job done without wasting time so I expect it will be done in the fall of this year.
A very nice reception followed in the J. T. Daugherty Conference Center. There were many dignitaries in attendance with the honorable Steny Hoyer being one of the guest speakers along with Doctor V. K. Shah and Doctor Jarboe. There were so many secret service guys around Steny that I couldn’t get to close for a picture but I did manage to get a couple. All the county commissioners were there even the ones that are not running for anything at election time. I know that it was to honor a man who has done so much during his long career working as a doctor in the county. Doctor Jarboe was always a friend of the emergency medical services in the county and I’m pretty sure that he was the first medical director of the St. Mary’s County Medic Unit and helped to get it started and grow into what it is today. I’m sure that there are many of you out there today that either had a baby delivered (I had two daughters) by Doctor Jarboe or where yourself treated one way or another by him. I know that he has been practicing medicine here in the county for over 40 years if not close to 50. Although he is semi-retired he does take care of some of his older patients because he told me that they won’t go to anyone else.
Congratulations to Doctor J. Patrick Jarboe and all your family. May you practice for another 50 years.
Drawing of the new J. Patrick Jarboe Medical Center located off Buck Hewitt Road in California, Maryland.
The crowd gathers while awaiting the arrival of the main guest speaker Honorable Steny Hoyer.
A great friend to Bay District Commissioner Dan Raley with our loveable 1st. Vice President Keith Fairfax hugging it up for the camera.
Power brokers Keith Fairfax, Commissioner Tommy Mattingly, Builder Wayne Davis, and Commissioner Danny Raley.
Honorable Steny Hoyer arrives shaking hands like a true congressman.
The man of the hour J. Patrick Jarboe arrives as all the well wishers swarm around him to say hello.
Two doctors that have done so much for the medical community of St. Mary’s County Dr. V. K. Shah and Dr. U. K. Shah. Notice the guy with the shades on in the background. He was talking into his hand just a few minutes before I took the shot.
Lets get this thing rolling and move some dirt. L to R: Wayne Davis, V.K. Shah, Dr. Jarboe, Steny Hoyer, U.K. Shah and Mrs. Shah.